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About Me

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My name is Giancarlo, and I am a English Canadian adult who is emotionally attached to Flareon, and loves Pokemon. I made this website because I thought it would be cool to have a personal site where I can show off my drawings, just like on my DeviantArt, but also where I can do cool stuff such as show off generated Trainer Cards of my endgame teams in the Randomizer Pokemon playthroughs I beat, and much more such as my Flareon Merchandise Collection! So I went and created one so that I could do those. Well thats all I have to say about me, so have a nice day!


In every page on the footer at the bottom, you can find links to my Discord Server, and Youtube Channel. 






















Since you read this far, if you are into NSFW/18+/Lewd Drawings, and all the stuff like Rule 34, the code to access my Lewd Drawings page and my 18+/Mature FanFictions is



  • My Discord Server
  • DeviantArt
  • Twitter
  • YouTube
  • Steam
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